5 years' worth of writing lessons in 2 minutes

I wish I knew these things sooner.

I could’ve avoided spending 10,000+ hours learning and practicing writing (including spending thousands of dollars on writing courses).

But you’re getting the shortcut.

Before we begin, you should set a timer (just for fun).

Ready? Let’s go!

1. Writing is the simplest format

I started my creator journey with video because it matched my skills best.

But it’s time-consuming, making it harder to experiment and find:

  • My audience’s interests
  • My personal interests
  • My unique style

Writing changed all that for me.

2. Chasing the wrong thing

Most people write in hopes of going viral.

But chasing virality is like sprinting during a marathon—exhausting and unsustainable in the long run.

Focus on sharing your authentic experience and the crowd will cheer you on even after you’ve crossed the finish line.

3. Focusing on the wrong thing

Stop trying to write the perfect post.

Instead, focus on mastering the game:

  • Show up every day
  • Write the minimum viable post
  • Review what works and do more of those

If you can keep going when others have given up, you win.

4. Writing is budget innovation

The fastest path to finding your niche is lean writing.

Post 30 “outlines” in 30 days as Tweets to find:

  • What resonates with your audience
  • What’s your unique angle
  • What you enjoy writing

The goal is experimentation, not perfection.

5. Writing gives clarity (and makes you smarter)

Writing reflects your thinking.

You can’t hide bad ideas behind good writing.

But since writing can refine ideas, even bad writing can make your ideas good.

So keep writing.

6. Writing is modular (nothing is wasted)

Repurposing written content is like building Lego.

Each piece is like a sentence, when combined they form more complex parts:

  • Pieces form objects (Tweets)
  • Objects form scenes (Threads)
  • Scenes form themes (Newsletters)

Even when broken apart, each piece is valuable.

7. Sell without being salesy

Hooks are sticky but tricky.

Powerful hooks get more clicks but if the creator fails to deliver on the promise, they lose the audience’s trust.

On the flip side, great content with a weak hook won’t attract clicks, and its value is lost.

Both are a disservice to the audience.

In a nutshell

5 years’ worth of writing lessons in 7 bullets:

  1. Writing is the simplest format
  2. Chasing virality isn’t sustainable
  3. Stop trying to write perfectly
  4. Writing is budget experimentation
  5. Writing gives you clarity
  6. Writing pieces are like Lego
  7. Hooks are sticky but tricky

This is just scratching the surface. I’m excited to share more with you next time.

See you 😁

Email-Led Growth: I help tech workers grow and engage their email list to convert followers into customers.

Get exclusive, weekly email marketing insights and case studies rooted in 10+ years of product management and 5+ years of content marketing expertise.

Read more from Email-Led Growth: I help tech workers grow and engage their email list to convert followers into customers.

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